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Tips for Closing Your Pool During the Off Seasons

Closed Pool

Design Pool & Spa online offers proper steps on how to close down your pool for the off-seasons. As fall approaches, it’s best to take proper precautions to make sure this is done correctly. Click here to read the full article.

Pool Closing Tips: Protect your Pool During the Off Seasons

By: Megan Manzari

As the fall months approach and pool season winds down, it’s time for pool owners to start preparing to close their pools. Proper closing measures are essential in maintaining a healthy pool for future summer seasons to come. Design Pool & Spa offers the following tips to get your pool ready for winter:

1. Balance the water chemistry one last time within a week of the pool closing to ensure all levels are within the ideal ranges.

2. Treat any algae prior to close. Be sure to allow for the time it will take to treat the algae before closing. This is not usually something that can be done a day or two before closing.

3. Choose your closing chemical program (consult your in-store professional for recommendations). Keep in mind some closing chemicals require a certain amount of time to be in the water before the pool can be closed.

4. Vacuum, skim and brush the pool as close to the actual closing time as possible. Debris left in the pool over the winter can cause staining and algae in the spring.

5. The filter(s) inside of cartridge filter systems should be removed, cleaned and stored in a dry place away from rodents. There is a chemical that the filters should be soaked in to ensure they are thoroughly cleaned.

‘Things to keep in mind regarding your pool closing’

1. In-ground pool plumbing and equipment need to be “blown out” to prevent against pipes bursting and the damage of underground plumbing over the wintertime. This should be done with the use of a heavy-duty compressor NOT a shop vac. Due to the severe repercussions of incorrectly performing this step, it is highly recommended to have a professional close to your pool or at least execute this step.

2. Depending on previous issues during the season, the water level may or may not need to be brought down for the closing. For example, if you have a vinyl liner pool and the liner has ever floated, you will most likely not need to drain down any water. Consult your professional for your particular pool’s needs.

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